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Showing posts from 2019

STONER LIFESTYLE: Health Talk with Doctor John - Safe Sex

Safe Sex: In simple terms,is sexual activity in which people take precautions to protect themselves against sexually transmitted diseases So be it oral or anal or vaginal sex ,you take precautions, It is worth  noting that STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections) can be gotten from even kissing, The safest sex, is no sex. This is the only way you are a 100 percent sure you aren't catching anything Then finding a partner and be faithful is a second., Because STI don't fly in from heaven, they are gotten from someone having sex, with someone. So if 2 persons who are faithful and clean fuck with each other, They good Finally, take precautions. Condoms If it can't get in, it can't get in. So just keep it out. This makes sense and it works mostly, but there are so many ways it could go wrong. Improper storage, keeping it in your wallet for example, Not wearing properly. Slipping off, Also to mention it doesn't protect against Oral Sex,. In fact to pract


Marijuana is an often very misunderstood drug. There is a lot of misinformation out there about the drug, as well as a lot of assumptions based on the misinformation. Cannabis has been used by humans for thousands of years for both medical and recreational purposes. Throughout our history it has been used and shared freely without persecution or discrimination. It is only within the last one-hundred years that we have made it an illegal substance, and all without any science to back it up. The outlawing of marijuana has largely been the result of scaremongering by industrialists and politicians, who have seen it as both a threat and a scapegoat for xenophobia. However, with the drug ongoing and increasing popularity, the scientific community has begun conducting research into exactly what marijuana does to us, and how it can be of medical use. The finding of much of this research is quite eye-opening, and people are becoming much more aware of what this drug can do for mankind. This


SOME RULES FOR SMOKING SESSION  1. If one person is rolling up the weed, someone should be organizing the fire PLAYLIST.  Do not be a vibe killer. If everyone is enjoying the current track, do not get up to change it.                     PS: your phone should be on silent/DoNotDisturb 2. Never Lace your JOINT with drugs e.g crack,codeine,Rohypnol etc it’s going to mess with your body system. If you ever get addicted & try to stop your withdrawal symptoms would slap x2 3. If you didn’t roll the JOINT you are not entitled to LIGHT it even if you own the WEED. Please do not roll a PIN in a session also make sure to add a CLIP. 4. The person who rolled the JOINT is allowed maximum 4 Puffs others are allowed a maximum 2 puffs. (PUFF PUFF PASS ) 5. Never ever ever fuck up the rotation of a joint. Always pass the JOINT to the person on your left and let go of the JOINT it is not a fucking microphone 6. If you’re not the owner of the JOINT you are not entitled to the DOOBIE ! Let th

A Short Poem Collection by CannaVille: BLESSED BUT CURSED

It's no news that CannaVille is blessed with all kinds of intellectuals, creatives, writers and even poets and here is a collection of poems written by amazing and talented members of CannaVille with the theme, Blessed But Cursed Enjoy! by Timmy All he can offer is himself For the darkness never seems to abate His heart is free but shackled Like tethers that guide the kite He is the match that starts the inferno Cursed to not see the light, but start it But o, what a blessing by Christian More To be Blessed but also cursed I'm at my best but still at my worst My tongue loves sugar and spice My kidney hates what my taste bud likes Love is a must but my flesh coated with lust No love lost, Unworthy of your trust Every win comes with a loss by Blitzkrieg Blessed with a beautiful landscape and vegetation, Blessed with the finest mineral resources Blessed with natural healing sites Cursed by the blood of the slaves slaughtered on her soil Cursed by

A Poem & Prose Collection by CannaVille: IT WAS A TERRIBLE IDEA BUT I DID IT.

It's no news that CannaVille is blessed with all kinds of intellectuals, creatives, writers and even poets and here is a collection of poems written by amazing and talented members of CannaVille with the theme,  It was a terrible, horrible idea but I did it.  Enjoy! R ead, review and rate. by Emmanuel Aliyu It was a terrible idea but I did it... Got drunk Went for a drive Drove through my house with my newly separated ex in it Saw no lights but TV on Asked if she was home She said no I went in Found a guy with her Chased him and whooped his ass and broke his incisors 2weeks later Got charged with aggravated assault (felony) Got back with the bitch Only for her to cheat 1 month later I played myself by Timmy ...I did. I had to. She left me no choice. Her skin was the perfect shade, with a few spots caused by maturity. She was flawless. She smelled like heaven and looked like the best time ever. I know I shouldn’t have done

A poem by Mohll

This is a space with functionality as long as is habitable. The homeless can't tell you how harsh the weather gets, when you are sheltered for less. What's introvert to the homeless and extrovert to the Feds?, this don't connect Likewise when you jailed for a herb that reveals how to deal with peace for a free.. Are we there yet? Hell no!!! Should i keep inking and drop the thinking? Oh no!! Room full of smokers and Youths full of hopes, guess i am product of my environment. Don't Pass Judgement, Let us pass Blunts Hope you see the difference in front How many more can your Lungs hold for you to ignore another Roll. So many stories have being told about the roles of medication(herb) but lets not be drifted from the fact ''It gave us Orientations'' Every 24 looks 7 That's how long the bong burns. Real Slow. Barely Sleep out of needs and want and this weed gets me free from wants. The rear view give lights so red but blu

A Poem by Tjay: I AM A WRITER

Sometimes I write about something or someone. At other times I write about everything or everyone. And then sometimes, I write about nothing. Absolutely nothing. Sometimes I help you. I guide your mind and help you figure out which is which. Something, someone, everything, everyone, or nothing. At other times, I let your mind churn and chew itself out. Is it about Something? Someone? Everything? Everyone? Nothing? Like right now. You don’t know what this is truly about. Something? Someone? Everything? Everyone? Nothing? You twist and turn my words this way and that way within the ever vibrant framework of your life experiences. You seek interpretations. Sometimes you find them. At other times you give them. But be sure, that whatever you figure out, be it…. Something, someone, everything, everyone, or even nothing. Whatever you figure out, is you. Because I am just a writer. #cannaville

A Poem Collection by CannaVille: I DREAM OF A PLACE

It's no news that CannaVille is blessed with all kinds of intellectuals, creatives, writers and even poets and here is a collection of poems written by amazing and talented members of CannaVille with the theme, I Dream of a Place  . Enjoy! . . .  by Lizzy I dream of a place where my inner child would be free and fear no uncles I dream of a place where fathers are protectors and children feel safe I dream of a place where Ice-cream to a little girl meant just that and not it's perverted cousin.         I dream of a place where the consequences of people's callousness weren't my cross to bear.  Oh yes! I dream of a place where I was naive once more and my heart wasn't jaded.                      I dream of a place where these weren't just dreams but then again, life is a bitch and dreams never come true.  For if life was fair, the opposite won't be my reality.  by Krae Euphoria i'd call it, if i dare dreamed it, Perfection and grace with

A Poem Collection by CannaVille: "TO LOVE AGAIN"

It's no news that CannaVille is blessed with all kinds of intellectuals, creatives, writers and even poets and here is a collection of poems written by amazing and talented members of CannaVille with the theme, To Love Again . Enjoy! To love again  Feels like being born again  Stone cold heart  Unfreezing to spark again But what you get  Is being drained  Never love again  ----by Veer Go again, Rise above the pain To love again, is to rekindle the pain Not again, Nothing to gain Then again, she's all in my brain To love again, I begin to think again To love again, I go again  To love again, I hope I prevail ----by Slow Burn Dreams of pleasant days lost to time Shadows of decisions that were once mine A silhouette in a memory that haunts my imagination  A scent I once recognized as the burning of passion To feel your lips on my burning skin Lit up and feverish in a lovers Dream And as I take this breath that is my last I know next life, I will love a

A Poem By Ziggy: Life Is Short

life is short, that is why I live recklessly sometimes.  life is short, that is why I also have to be careful how I live my life How I spend my time  Who I vibe around  Where I feel alive What gets me high  Life is short, that's why I try to get by With the time at hand  The chances I have The people Ive got Cos who knows...  Nobody Only the Master Who judges  Nobody but the Master  Life is too short, I only know right now The next second, who knows where I'll be at Shit happens Miracles also happen These thoughts, these thoughts beat me at night Scattered thoughts  Trying to figure out what's wrong and what's right The many people that have so much to say about my life Should I care? Life is too short,  I don't have that kind of time 🚶🏾‍♂

An Article by Ziggy: Yes, You Can Be High, Active and Productive (Pt 2)

Last week I started writing on this subject, trying my best to prove that it is possible for you to be high, active and productive at the same time which is quite contrary to the general perception of the society. If you ask around, people will tell you that it is impossible, that anyone who smokes weed is unproductive, lazy and nonchalant about his work. It’s actually true, can’t deny that but the people who fall into this category are not legit stoners and I think they need to read that post…and this too . Here’s a continuation to the last post as promised and I’ll try harder to prove this point in question and as shortly as I can too. The last thing I want for my readers is a long boring text lol. First, we all know that the mind is the human control room and it is from there that everything a man does or can do start from. If in your mind, you can climb the highest mountain, trust me if you try, you will and if in your mind, you can never crawl, you will never crawl. Simp

An Article by Ziggy: Yes, You Can Be High, Active and Productive (Pt 1)

Yesterday after work, I went to a waterside to smoke, my favorite spot since I got to this town some weeks ago and every time I go there, I always meet fantastic humans and yesterday was one of it. The rain started falling so I moved under a shed with some Yoruba men, three of them. They were smoking  igbo  too, big ass jumbo rolled with white papers. At first I was listening to music and not paying them attention but at some point I started listening to them. To my surprise, they were talking about the general idea of marijuana, how it started, how “touts and  agberos ” were the ones who bastardized the real image of marijuana, how philosophers, lawyers and professors like Fela Kuti and Wole Soyinka smoked weed and became successful people in the history of our country, they talked about the advantages and disadantages, if marijuana really ran people mad as people say and a lot more. We talked in turns and I can actually say that was the most interesting smoking session I’v