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A Short Poem Collection by CannaVille: BLESSED BUT CURSED

It's no news that CannaVille is blessed with all kinds of intellectuals, creatives, writers and even poets and here is a collection of poems written by amazing and talented members of CannaVille with the theme, Blessed But Cursed


by Timmy
All he can offer is himself
For the darkness never seems to abate
His heart is free but shackled
Like tethers that guide the kite
He is the match that starts the inferno
Cursed to not see the light, but start it
But o, what a blessing

by Christian More
To be Blessed but also cursed
I'm at my best but still at my worst

My tongue loves sugar and spice
My kidney hates what my taste bud likes

Love is a must but my flesh coated with lust
No love lost, Unworthy of your trust
Every win comes with a loss

by Blitzkrieg
Blessed with a beautiful landscape and vegetation,
Blessed with the finest mineral resources
Blessed with natural healing sites

Cursed by the blood of the slaves slaughtered on her soil
Cursed by over 300 diverse tongues
Soaked in hate, corruption, fear, hunger, evil.
Oh Nigeria, Blessed but Cursed!

by Slim Daddy
In the mist of my adversaries came this beau   
I lost it all when I heard
It was indeed a blessing
Thought me a lot of lessons
But I lost my mind to the right of my life
I ponder how it came to be
And the world will know I’ve captured VENUS!

by Gemini Stoner
Blessed but cursed is how I feel
Each time I think of how I live
Hoping for the best and preparing for the worst
I hope and pray God nullifies the curse
I don't beg to eat and that's a blessing
I don't struggle to breath. Yes that's my blessing.
The curse I have is being loyal even though I'm treated like shit.
I can only hope I don't become the shit.
Blessed but cursed is how I feel when I remember how I live

by Samm Thomas
Blessed but not cursed.
Blessed at the waking of the day, but cursed be the day that's never blessed.
Blessed at the sounds of music, birds chirping, trees singing, but cursed be the sounds of wailing and mourning and death.
Blessed at living each day like its your last, but cursed be that day that is your last.
Live life as simple as it is, cos today, your blessing is your curse, or tomorrow, your curse, becomes your blessing.


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