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A Poem Collection by CannaVille: I DREAM OF A PLACE

It's no news that CannaVille is blessed with all kinds of intellectuals, creatives, writers and even poets and here is a collection of poems written by amazing and talented members of CannaVille with the theme, I Dream of a Place .

 by Lizzy
I dream of a place where my inner child would be free and fear no uncles
I dream of a place where fathers are protectors and children feel safe
I dream of a place where Ice-cream to a little girl meant just that and not it's perverted cousin.        
I dream of a place where the consequences of people's callousness weren't my cross to bear. 
Oh yes! I dream of a place where I was naive once more and my heart wasn't jaded.                     
I dream of a place where these weren't just dreams but then again, life is a bitch and dreams never come true. 
For if life was fair, the opposite won't be my reality.

 by Krae
Euphoria i'd call it, if i dare dreamed it,
Perfection and grace with every hit
Live for moments alone
With my tribe, we'll never walk alone
Chase paper any way,no questions,no police complains
Freely move around to try new strains
Yea,Euphoria i'd call it,
I'd eat my cake and have it

by Andrea
I dream of a place
Where mistakes
Are forgotten, forgiven, frozen in time;

Not stewing in a brine.
Or rinsed and repeated,
For we both know,

It's not how a lover should be treated

by Tall Dee
I dream of a place, quiet and serene
A place of peace and happiness
I dream of a place where I won't have to lose you
A place where happiness is not a treasure
I dream of a place where my emotions isn't tied to my account balance
I dream of a place where we never have to dream

But wait, why punish myself dreaming...

by Jaiye
I dream of a place with you surrounded by the buds in their amazing glory
I dream of a place where you push forward not shackled by your past obeying the law of the smoker’s left
I dream of a place with your halo made from your clouds of bliss
I dream of a place with you at the centre radiating in the glory of the haze
I dream of a place our minds connected through the cloud speaking the universal language
I dream of a place full of bliss you and I at peace in sync with the vibe
I dream of a place with just you and I taking that flight to the heavenly planes

by Pillz
I dream of a place wheare my heart won’t beat with the sound of Gun shots.
I dream of place where my dealer can be free to sit in public not in bushes or lonely corners with thugs
I dream of a place of merry where we don’t have to wait for the Yuletide to act friendly. Where every one can hold hand to clean the eyes that are teary.
I dream of a place of peace with no sarz nor police.
I dream of place where my young daughters can express themselves and be president not silenced because it’s a mans world 🌎 
I dream of a place where I can jejely lit my spliff without the community saying “he is a thief”
I dream of place where I can have walk without traffic and potholes.

by Emmanuel Aliyu
I dreamt of a place
A place with one race
A place where no one has a face 
A place where you walk & work at your own pace 
A place, filled with grace
Heaven is that place 

But alas, I might never see its gates

by MaveSzn
Let me take your hand and show you my thoughts
Where sorrows end and it never hurts
An unending kaleidoscope
Of great and bright futures,I hope
For I dream of a place where you are mine
I dream of a place where where we can smile

With half closed eyes burning red with herbal love

by Murga
I dream of a place 
where my heart can be at peace and my mind at ease
I dream of a place
where I can be free from life and its struggles
I dream of a place
I can rest my head with my name carved above on Stone
A reminder of my journey through the land of dreams. 

by KapitalIV
I dream of a place 
Where discipline is taught to every person in order to properly maintain what is urgent.
Where we all worked together to achieve our goals.
Where we don’t have to worry about my needs and wants.
Where secrets don’t exist and people don’t insist.
Where the angels and demons live in harmony.
I dream of a place where I don’t want to wake up.

by McLean
I dream of a place where I want to be
Where the angels and devils live in harmony
Where i wont be scared to feel high and medicated because of what society deems right
With ever revolution comes one hero
The morning sky was a reflection of the ocean
I dont want to wake up

by David
Oh I dream of a place 
where there is no price to pay for love
A place where trust can be valued than money
A place where there will be no the rich and the poor 
A place where we can really call home 
but I hope we all live to achieve and see it come through......

by EL
I dream of a place that can only exist in a dream 
A place where there’s no pain no hate 
Pure love for all irrespective of the race tag placed 
A place where mans got no worries , not minding taking selfless acts for others 
A place you n yours look out for me n mine 
Yh I guess I should wake up.

by Tall Dee
I dream of a place where Cannaville is the rave of the moment
Ziggy with the team owning a 5k acre land of premium cannabis off the coast of Aruba
World presidents vying to host members of Cannaville to a sesh
These wild dreams would get the better of me
I better stick to my sk and weed
As I've not been thinking normal since I started smoking these high grades
Oh shit, my mind's dazed, but don't you wish Cannaville was in the right place?

by Chulo
I dream of a place, beautiful rainbows & pretty clouds made from loud. 
Joy filled in every heart,
No crime thoughts, Just real love. 
Telling your neighbor you love them. You appreciate and adore them. 
Help each other grow like plants do, move about the sky like the pelicans groove. 
I dream of that place. 

by Gaz
Falling from darkness
To a place I don't know,
Everything's moving with no place to go.
I feel so alone and scared.
As I fall, I wonder, "Is anyone there?"

As the days and nights pass right by,
I count the nights; I just lay and cry.
Falling from faith, falling from love,
Please, is there anyone up above?

Never did I want to feel like this
When the answer lies with the slit of the wrist.
My mind is racing to find another solution
Before it's too late and I'm just an illusion.

No one knows how I really feel.
I just want him to hold me and help me heal.
As I fall, I feel the rain.
I begin to think that maybe he isn't the key to ease my pain.

by Boyking
I Dream of a Place 

More like a land of cake where life was perfect 
With no fake, where everybody 
Love somebody and try to partake 
In uplifting society, and not live in dishonesty but everybody wanna show maturity while the government take the majority from the minority and creating way for inequity, 

But I guess in my case 
My dream laced with fact that
I can’t face reality 
That such a place is just a Myth 
And all we have is our faith 😢

by Monet
I feel beautiful but sometimes I get what if-fies 
Just one more thing and I’ll be perfect 
Nobody’s perfect but I see people close to
I am beautiful 
I believe this but do I really?
I walked past every glare
And then there it was
Staring right into my eyes
Could you ever be ashamed of me? 
Sometimes I ask how could you ever want me.” 
Real fact guys...I broke up with my ex cause I felt I didn’t deserve him
Im tryna fight these  inner demons that take control of me
I ask myself could you really? 
I’d like to think that you could want me
Let me tell you a secret nobody knows

I'm insecure, I hate myself, I don't see myself pretty, I'm a mess
Mess up in the head
Standing in front of you, my mind keeps on running and running and running away
From logic and reason I wish I have now

I'm under this great pressure I made myself
I can't lift it up, it just keep on, in on, in on crashing every faith in myself
and chain every part of me
Blinding my eyes
Sealing my mouth 
Killing me slowly inside
And I can't breath seeing my reflection in the mirror
I'm sick of it
Why can’t I be as pretty as other girls

I keep on saying, I keep on screaming
I keep on crying, I keep on wishing
I keep on praying to be like them
but even the shooting star can't change that 

How do you run from what's in your head?

I can't free myself from my insecurities
I'm embarrassed, I've become a mess, I've become a hater
It keeps on destroying myself inside
and I can't take it out of my mind

Every second, every minute, every moment of my life
Is slowly becoming something my jealousy made
I started to hate myself
I started to hate the people I'm jealous of

Because I want to be like them  
Pretty, Confident, Intelligent, Proud and Shinning
Everything I ever wanted, but I can never be like them, I can never be them
I'm like an unfit puzzle piece of the society I want to fit in

My jealousy, my insecurities made me into someone I despise
Hatred for myself runs in my veins
Everything I stand for just disappeared into the oblivion
like bubbles disappearing  into the thin air

And I'm becoming trap in my own twisted world without realizing it 
As it drowns me, pulling me with its current to the darkness of my tainted mind
Its just a matter of time I might breakdown

Everyday I keep on telling myself be strong, be strong, be strong
stop being insecure, but I don't have the strength to do it
I don't have the courage to tell it to my friends, to my family
I'm dying inside- I want them to see through me
and when I lie - I'm fine they'll believe it without a doubt

I want to share it to the world, but I can't help myself to lie, to push everyone away - I've become a fool
I know it sounds crazy, I myself don't know why
I just want people to realize I need help without me telling them
I want them to save me from my own tainted mind full of insecurities
I want you to save me from my own tainted mind full of insecurities
Can you do it? 
Because I can't.

by HarrieTom
In the shackles of my own thoughts,
Inbound to what I was thought to believe.
With my worry being a deposit of the pain that might never happen.

Trying to play the role of an ancestor to the future that might never show up.
But I see freedom in it's full utility instead of assumption.
Kids making heroes out of their parents and not cape wearing ideas. 
Women speaking in boldness without the fear of being muted and looked down upon.
History filled with concurrent greatness and not about old victories.

I dream of a nation; where the language I speak does not determine how well am treated, 
A Nation where you are not afraid to be an help meet to your fellow human,
A nation looked upon for divine answers.
A nation where my Melanine is an identity of strength and not of defect,
A nation where growing old is not a thing of weakness but of dieties present among us.

I dream of a Nation where the prison does not mean the end to your existence but a mere correction of your view towards life.
A nation where you are always in time or before but never behind the time of life.
A nation where people actually go to their graves empty and fulfilled.
Alas, maybe not in my lifetime but then how much is a dollar to a dream. 
Maybe this is one of those realities that can only be seen with the eyes closed and the mind in distress. 
I dream of a nation where a dream is no mere dream but the exposure to affirmative things to come. 
Alas, maybe this is one of those dreams.

by Nigga Called Kel
If only my dreams were not so illusive
I let my imagination sour above the clouds sometimes
I tell myself i ought to wake from this trance soon enough
I find peace of mind in a reality that might be born in the near future
A future where we don't have to dream of a better future 
I dream of a place that speaks peace to the soul

A place where i can roll my blunt with love & not get the side eye

by Ziggy
I dream of a place where I don't have to sleep let alone dream
where everything is what it's really supposed to be
I dream of a place like paradise, a place like the garden of Eden 
nature is legal, nudity is life, happiness is free
I dream of a place where I don't have to wish 
a place where I don't have to beg, pray or plead

let's just say this is funny cos I dream of a place that's  not real


  1. Haha Ziggy Everything.....You have amazing ideas I love the way you go about things.. Keep it up 👍


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