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STONER LIFESTYLE: Health Talk with Doctor John - Safe Sex

Safe Sex:

In simple terms,is sexual activity in which people take precautions to protect themselves against sexually transmitted diseases

So be it oral or anal or vaginal sex ,you take precautions, It is worth  noting that STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections) can be gotten from even kissing,

The safest sex, is no sex. This is the only way you are a 100 percent sure you aren't catching anything

Then finding a partner and be faithful is a second., Because STI don't fly in from heaven, they are gotten from someone having sex, with someone. So if 2 persons who are faithful and clean fuck with each other, They good

Finally, take precautions.

If it can't get in, it can't get in. So just keep it out.
This makes sense and it works mostly, but there are so many ways it could go wrong.
Improper storage, keeping it in your wallet for example,
Not wearing properly.
Slipping off,

Also to mention it doesn't protect against Oral Sex,.

In fact to practice safe sex, Blow Jobs should be given over a condom. Head should be given over a mouth dam, which is like a condom for females lol. But is that any fun?

However there are a few things we can do to reduce our chances of getting an STI.

1. - Be a guy.

Yes Guys have it easier. A Guy is less likely to catch an STI froma. lady than Vice versa.

2 - Don't shave close to your appointment. Minor breaks in the skin means it's easier for organisms to get in. Shave ideally 72 hrs before at least

3. Pee after Sex,  Ladies please, Guys too.

The Genital and Urinary treat are close so micro organisms can get in there easily. Peeing helps to wash them out . So have your water bottle handy

4 - Lube.

Yes, the more slippery, the less likely. Forceful sex causes minor breakers in the skin which can cause entry of microbes, so lubed up, slippery, no tears, no breaks, less room for entry
As a follow up to this, if you are unsure of your partner and you are still stupid enough or horny enough to have unsafe sex. You probably don't want him to shift your womb or destroy the v. Because forceful sex ore sex that leaves you sore ( which means minor tears in your v)  increases the likelihood

5 - don't assume.

STI especially on guys are had to see. Ladies sometimes get a discharge and it's easy to notice but most ladies don't notice that the guys pee sprays in all directions  or that the inside of his boxers are stained. All in all most times you don't know who has what. So be safe

How to know you have an STI.

For both Guys and Ladies.

- pain when urinating.
- discharge
- sores around the areas ( note note all sores are STI's but STI's could be sores.

 Guys -

  1. Blood in the urine or cum
  2. Pain in the balls
  3. Itching on penis tip
  4. Painful ejaculation
  5. Rash
  6. Swelling of the balls

For women

  1. Discharge could be in a variety of forms
  2. Pain during sex 
  3. Lower abdominal pain
  4. Bleeding before periods, heavy periods or bleeding after sex
  5. Rashes, sores in the area


 Q: In regarding to shaving what do you suggest is the best method for ladies??
A: Either method carries their own risks. Creams might give a smoother shave, but it's chemical so  there are concerns about the effects on the skin and all. Razors well the risk of cuts plus it's not picture perfect. Just figure out what works best for you

Q: Isn't lubricant supposed to be for guys especially when it comes to anal?
A: No.If the lady is wet wet a lubricant would spice things up and are a lot more enjoyable. It's used especially in anal cos that opening has no natural lubricant, but the moment you feel she's getting dry. Get some lube in there .Wet and Messy

Q: Swelling of the balls, is it both balls or a single ball?
A: Either could be a pointer. Not all ball swellings are STI's but an STI could make your ball or balls swell.

Q: what is the cure?
A: Lol depends on the disease. There are a LOT of STI caused by a variety of organisms ranging from viruses like herpes and aids to bacteria like gonorrhea. They all have different treatment and you all know have no cure

Q: "I've had so many unprotected sex before and have not had any kinda infections or symptoms of infections before. does that mean i'm immune to infections?
A: No. I forgot to say. Sometimes STI show no symptoms especially in guys. You might just have had it on and been giving it to every girl.'s not a 'must' that if you have unprotected sex with someone you'll catch something. Some things make it more likely but you can have sex repeatedly with someone without catching anything. Hope this explains both sides

Q: If a condom can prevent STI for guys, Can a lady get STI by receiving oral sex? If yes how can we control that? (Since there is no condoms)
A: Mouth Dam

Q: Symptoms of STI includes Rash? Is it Rash on the skin or  around the private part?
A: Both can be indicators. Again , not every Rash is an STI but an STI could present as a rash. Most of those symptoms I listed are none specific, so its just pointer, things you see and should get checked out. Also remember sometimes it doesn't show so first be safe

Q: Could you explain more on that heavy periods being a symptom? Some of girls have heavy periods naturally does it mean they're infected ?
A: Oh Naturally heavy periods are Naturally heavy. But if your Periods become unusually heavy could be a pointer


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