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1. If one person is rolling up the weed, someone should be organizing the fire PLAYLIST.  Do not be a vibe killer. If everyone is enjoying the current track, do not get up to change it.                 
   PS: your phone should be on silent/DoNotDisturb

2. Never Lace your JOINT with drugs e.g crack,codeine,Rohypnol etc it’s going to mess with your body system. If you ever get addicted & try to stop your withdrawal symptoms would slap x2

3. If you didn’t roll the JOINT you are not entitled to LIGHT it even if you own the WEED. Please do not roll a PIN in a session also make sure to add a CLIP.

4. The person who rolled the JOINT is allowed maximum 4 Puffs others are allowed a maximum 2 puffs. (PUFF PUFF PASS )

5. Never ever ever fuck up the rotation of a joint. Always pass the JOINT to the person on your left and let go of the JOINT it is not a fucking microphone

6. If you’re not the owner of the JOINT you are not entitled to the DOOBIE ! Let the owner kill the BLUNT.

7. Never WET the JOINT with saliva it is disgusting regardless your gender.

8. Before you smoke “KNOW WHAT YOU ARE SMOKING” no just dey carry the J when you no sabi Wetin dey.

9. Drink WATER after 5-7 minutes to stay HYDRATED you’re allowed to share your water/beverage etc. COTTON MOUTH IS NOT NICE!

10. Never reject the JOINT of its passed to you wether you’re stoned AF or not. If you’re done smoking make sure to collect it, show respect & pass it.

12. (unless it’s comedy or a reasonable topic or cruise). Nothing messes up your high faster than someone who would not stop talking. Especially if they are complaining about their problems and bringing up negative bullshit. We no wan hear all that, we just wan stay afloat.

13. If someone rolls a nice joint, it’s good to give the person a complement on his rolling skills.

14. If someone is too trippy to light the JOINT (due to being too stoned or the person is just a retard) then they must handover the control of the lighter to someone more able to get it lit. This does NOT mean the person who lights the JOINT on your behalf gets a free puff puff pass...... we misuse this privilege alot e.g (“hey lemme light it for you.”)

15. If someone is so much of a dipshit that they blow air INTO the PIPE OR JOINT and blow away all the good stuff to the floor, this person must be banned from the next round. (unless of course it was his stuff).

16. If you smoke with someone in your house, you should let him/her have some mad ass munchies you may have lying around… Always be a  proper hospitable host; don’t be cheap with your food.

17. Never BITCH about someone else’s WEED being no good. If you don’t like it then don’t smoke it!!

18. Before you pass a JOINT ash that muhfuckerrr!

19. Don’t constantly ask if everyone is high. Yes, we’re high. Now shut up.

20. If a friend gets you high sometime in the future – your priorities have just shifted; you now need to get that friend high.

21. Always bring an extra lighter. A full one. Never steal/forget it was in your pocket/lose lighters.

22. Keep your exhale to yourself unless you’re sharing the smoke via mouth to mouth.

23. You were a newbie once, Help others too.


1. Clean your place
2. Get rid of a bunch of stuff
3. Call someone you’ve been avoiding talking to
4. Dance
5. Meditate
6. Make some art
7. See some comedy
8. Eat mindfully
9. Masturbate or have sex
10. Go out alone
11. Ask yourself what do you really want
12. Deep conversations
13. See a movie
14. Beach
15. Code

do you know? 

If you bend a stem of kush and it snaps, you’re good to go.  Otherwise the marijuana is too wet and you really shouldn’t smoke it yet. If you are offered pot that is wet and has been in a sealed bag there might even be mold on it. Conversely, herb that crumbles when you break it up, like powder, is far too dry and will be severe on your throat. Try putting a few leaves of lettuce with your dry nugs as it’s a safe way to add moisture back into them. Be your own advocate and snap a bud before you buy.

By ChuchuCash


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