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A Poem & Prose Collection by CannaVille: IT WAS A TERRIBLE IDEA BUT I DID IT.

It's no news that CannaVille is blessed with all kinds of intellectuals, creatives, writers and even poets and here is a collection of poems written by amazing and talented members of CannaVille with the theme, It was a terrible, horrible idea but I did it. 

Enjoy! Read, review and rate.

by Emmanuel Aliyu

It was a terrible idea but I did it...
Got drunk
Went for a drive
Drove through my house with my newly separated ex in it
Saw no lights but TV on
Asked if she was home
She said no
I went in
Found a guy with her
Chased him and whooped his ass and broke his incisors
2weeks later
Got charged with aggravated assault (felony)
Got back with the bitch
Only for her to cheat 1 month later

I played myself

by Timmy

...I did.
I had to.
She left me no choice. Her skin was the perfect shade, with a few spots caused by maturity.
She was flawless.
She smelled like heaven and looked like the best time ever.
I know I shouldn’t have done it but the more I looked at her, the more I felt my self control leaving me. It was like I was possessed.
I had to have her. I had to hear her scream in that silent way only she could.
I reached out and kissed her forehead, to show that I didn’t mean to, but I had to.
As the flames engulfed her, she smiled at me and then I knew.
It wasn’t such a horrible thing, setting Mary Jane on fire.

by HarrieeTom

Who says every sins can be forgiven when the judge is yet to make a verdict.
Waited patiently till after dark to do the evil I longed for.
It fuels my soul as the only goal I longed to so much achieve. 
Hungry for days coupled with the freezing of the weather in a space so open there is hardly a place to hide, 
I watched the Cubs go to sleep since I no longer have one of my own.
Left behind by parents who is out hunting for a more protein. 
They soon became of no use as my canine sink into their windpipes one after the other.
Nothing left but unrecognized bones to welcome confused parents.
Damn I feel for the Cubs but love how their parents would feel.

by Monet

It was a terrible, horrible idea but I did it
I Pulled out the rusty metal allowing the spray of blood accommodate my face
The wind howled,..blowing the ripped curtains as a soldier’s flag at the point of surrender 

She watched me through the curtain shreds ,through the withered garden and gave me a welcoming smirk.I smiled back returning my grin to my victim.I watched him take his last breathe.
Now I am a Red blood...maybe it wasn’t a terrible idea afterall

by Ziggy

I shouldn't have
I shouldn't have killed him but he would have killed me
He was drunk, running after me in the alley 
It's been over thirty minutes 
He caught up with me and pulled my hair
He dragged me
Broken bottle in his hand 

I bite him and try to run again
I hit my foot on something like a rock
I tripped and screamed but he laughed
He dragged my feet and I pushed him
My last strength
His bottle dropped and I ran to it

I watched him struggle to stand up
I walked towards, aiming his bottle at him
Im going to stab you, I told him
"please don't, you can't kill your step father." 
He cried 

I can. 
It was a terrible, horrible idea 

But I did it.

by Jerry Bones

It was raining on a Tuesday afternoon, I was home alone watching a movie when the doorbell rang it was daddy Obas. 

Daddy Obas - ah Robor is ur mum around? 
Robor - Migwo Sir,  no she's not back from work. 
Daddy Obas - okay I'll need her account number or yours so I can send the house rent.
Robor - okay sir... 

I gave him my account number, at least let my account receive large money(250k) for the 1st time. 20 minutes later I got the alert went to his apartment.

Robor - Daddy Obas I've gotten the alert .
Daddy Obas - OK my regards to your mum. 

I was walking back to our apartment when this crazy terrible idea just. Jumped in...

Guy you can double this money in tonight games, Barça, Real Maldrid, Chelsea and some other big teams have match that evening.  After battling with my mind for sometime I decided to fund my account and play 2odds. So I picked four games

Barça over 1.5
Madrid over 1.5
Chelsea over 0.5
Man Utd over 0.5 easiest game ever I done hammer. 

When my mom returned that evening I told her daddy Obas paid his house rent into my account, she got angry for not calling her and not giving him her account number instead, I should send d money to her account tomorrow...

8:15pm already all the matches is already on, half time Barça leading already 3 nil, Chelsea 1:1 both games won already🥳 but Madrid 1:0 and Utd 0, I just need anybody to score in both games, the future looks bright. Already thinking of how I'll spend d money in skool, I'll visit Kada plaza almost every week, fuck some classy Okpo and even flex some babes in my department🤪

85 minutes still same results in both games, your guy is already feeling internal heat🔥 Barça committing murder & Chelsea winning with 3 goals, (why didn't I just play Barça and Chelsea over 2.5🤦🏽‍♂).

Full time Madrid have killed me🙆🏽‍♂ what have I done, ahh BET9JA!! who send me...

by Maverick

Clutching my .38 semi automatic until my knuckles turned white,I crept along the corridor,keeping to the shadows while my mind wandered at what I was about to do.
Kunle was a tall,lean man,with a smooth hatchet face,long hooked nose,slightly parted pink lips and eyes like black wet stones. 
I watched him as he lolled on a settee while he nursed a glass of whiskey on the rocks,a half empty bottle of the stuff on the table in front of him.
I felt a knot in my chest and my hatred for this rival,this pig who thought he was a man and my face twisted in a rage.
Who did he think he was,the mad, stupid fool!
My military training kicked in and I crept along the corridor like a ghost,my rubber soled feet making no noise as I used the banister rail to guide me in the darkness until I got to the door knob.
I turned it and walked silently into the large room and immediately he saw me the glass dropped from his hand and shattered, he stiffened and his face lost the little color it had.
I saw recognition in his eyes as he recognized whose wife he'd been screwing while her husband was away on duty,serving his damned country.
I lifted the rod and squeezed gently,in two quick bursts and two holes appeared on his forehead and chest as he slumped down,as dead as can be.

I shouldn't have done it but no one had what was mine.

by Jaiye

I woke up that day the sun shining brightly and promising a good day. Set about getting ready for the day.
I got to the office, responded to emails and set about completing my tasks for the day. 
At about midday a pop up chat appeared on my screen with a live video, the legs I was seeing were for days, sultry and beautiful. The background looked familiar, but I was captivated by the appealing sight.
The request was simple follow the clues that will be sent and I was in for a treat. I told my colleague I was going to be away for a few hours an urgent family matter to attend to. I followed the clues and got to the prize.

Before me lay an enchanting beauty that had been tormenting for months, my girlfriend’s sister in her birthday suit. She urged me to come, my cloths were off in a jiffy and I joined her in bed. We danced the music of mekwe, passing out been the result.

I awoke several hours later my hands and legs bound, surrounded by my girlfriend and a horde of women looking terrifying. My balls locked in a vice, tears running down my face and wondering how did it get to this. What to do next???

It was a terrible and horrible idea ..

by Krae

The problem with what we have is that we fucked before we fell inlove,
And i gave all the good stuffs in the first round,
I guess thats why you put me second to some nigga on the side,
I guess thats why you gave me more excuses than chances,
Maybe its the money,Maybe you aint used to me.
Maybe you rather use me than get used to me,
Besides being inside you,did you ever feel me?
If love is for free,why is it so expensive to shop?
Now i know,
Love is the only thing that can kill you,
And keep you alive to feel the Death.
I should not have fallen for you,
It was a terrible,horrible idea,
But i did it


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