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An Article by Ziggy: Yes, You Can Be High, Active and Productive (Pt 2)

Last week I started writing on this subject, trying my best to prove that it is possible for you to be high, active and productive at the same time which is quite contrary to the general perception of the society. If you ask around, people will tell you that it is impossible, that anyone who smokes weed is unproductive, lazy and nonchalant about his work. It’s actually true, can’t deny that but the people who fall into this category are not legit stoners and I think they need to read that post…and this too.

Here’s a continuation to the last post as promised and I’ll try harder to prove this point in question and as shortly as I can too. The last thing I want for my readers is a long boring text lol.

First, we all know that the mind is the human control room and it is from there that everything a man does or can do start from. If in your mind, you can climb the highest mountain, trust me if you try, you will and if in your mind, you can never crawl, you will never crawl. Simple.  A man is a product of his mentality and mindset. Even the Bible says “as a man thinketh in his heart, so he is

Where am I going with this and how does this have anything with smoking marijuana or being productive? Well… it’s the mindset. That’s where it all starts from. If you read this article a million times with other related articles and still have the mindset that it’s impossible for you to get high and still be able to go about your daily activities, then it’s going to be impossible.

If you want to be able to get high and be active and have good results at the end of the day, you have to set your mind to it. Start with a little: “Today, I’m going to smoke that good weed I just got, I’m going to make a list of my activities and the important stuff I have to do and I’m going to see through them.” Except an unforeseen circumstance (which are bound to happen) happens, you’ll see that you’ll have just that and nothing less and the high would just be a reward for a job well done.

Secondly, it’s about your personality. Are you normally a lazy, nonchalant and slow person? Do you procrastinate a lot and look for excuses? Because you cannot be any of these and expect to be productive when you’re high.  In the last post, I already said concerning people who get high and become inactive and productive, “…it was never the weed…it’s their personality, their choice of lifestyle and that negative energy was channeled into their weed smoking.”

You have to first work on yourself. You have to be up and doing as an individual because it is your natural character that will be enhanced by marijuana. It’s no magic and it cannot give the energy you don’t already possess. Is my point clear?

Thirdly and lastly, in working on yourself, you have to create good productive habits. Habits are things you do overtime that become part of you. You’ve already developed the smoking habits, it’s time to develop the productive habits to match.

I’ll drop some points here to the best of my knowledge, and I hope they’ll work for you.
  • 1.       Moderation: Know your tolerance.
  • 2.       Maintain a healthy lifestyle :  Eat well, feel good, improve your mind and your body. (You can read more in my article “Stoner Lifestyle 101 - Healthy Stoner Tips”
  • 3.       Always stay active: Don’t lounge around and watch life pass you by. “Successful people do. Failures do nothing.”
  • 4.       Take action: Highly effective people make a habit of jumping on something they want to accomplish rather than wishing for it to happen for them. They know it’s up to them and only them.
  • 5.       Quit procrastinating, slacking or making excuses.
  • 6.       Maintain a positive attitude
  • 7.       Get a job( if you don’t have one), Get better at your job (if you already have one)
  • 8.       Set goals and fulfill them. High or not, learn to be realistic with your goals. Don’t do things that don’t work
  • 9.       Don’t overload yourself. Productive people know when you take a break and when to continue. Be that productive person.
  • 10.   Work hard and pursue what you love. If you really want to be high and make a productive use of it, then a high level of energy is expected of you and whatever you’re doing, it must be something that makes your heart dance. The marijuana will just be a supplement to it.

With these few points of mine, I hope I have been able to prove the point that says “Yes, You Can Be High, Active and Productive.”

Stay safe, stay sane, stay highdrated and smoke only the good weed. xoxo

Kindly drop your comments and reviews too...Thanks


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