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These are words or phrases that are used only among cannabis users. Most of them you might not find in a dictionary cos they're informal, slangs, inappropriate, coined from the streets or worse, illegal. But they are words that I believe stoners should be familiar with and use more often among themselves to stay connected to the weed culture, or something like that.


Auto (n) 
- A device consisting of an aquarium pump and an oxygen mask used to smoke cannabis.

E.g: I just copped this dope ass auto from a store last night. It fucking hits different.

Aristocrat (n)
- A special type of joint typically rolled by self-absorbed college kids that is used to display their superior social status and awesome joint-rolling skills, usually extremely long about 16 inches and very narrow. Conical features should be avoided

E.g: That rich kid rolled an aristocrat. joint was long and thin as fuck.


B K Double (n) 
- The parents, cops, or that unannounced visitor...

e.g: Yo Voke, we've got a BK Double in the living room. Hide that stash! Now! "....and act normal"
Voke: chill, are my eyes red?

B-40 (n) 
- synonym for weed

e.g: You've got that b40? Or should I ring my dealer?

Back-Roll (v) - 
- To roll the joint so that only one layer of paper surrounds the mix.

e.g: guy that's one big ass joint to back roll like that

Bowl (n)
- A bowl is simply a pipe, usually made of glass, used to smoke cannabis. It usually contains a small carb which helps you modulate the air/smoke ratio. If you don’t have this stoner slang term in your rolodex, don’t expect to be passed the bowl too often.

E.g: It’s 4:20, time to pack the bowl!

Bag (n)
a) what holds your buds;
b) what you want / need to get (for me!) 😉
c) what makes you cry when it's empty

e.g.: you see that bag over there? Yeah the one with weed, that's my joy right there

Bag size
- could be a dime bag, a quarter of an ounce, half an ounce, an ounce, a quarter pound ...etc

e.g.: How much weed you got in there Missy?
M: a quarter pound.

Bake Break (v)
- To take a break and go smoke a pipe, a bong or a joint. Also known as "smoke break"

e:g it's time for a bake break. Guys you ready?

Bake Sale (n)
- A smoke out session

e.g.: have you heard about Cannafest? That's gon be one hell of a baaaaaake sale

Baked (v).
- To be heavily inspired by the consumption of cannabis.

e.g.: I’m as baked as cake.

Baked Ass 
-Fried = stoned beyond repair, very much under the influence of marijuana.

e.g.: that girl over that fence, she's baked ass.

Bammer (n)
- brown, impotent weed (shitty shit)

e.g.: this shit is a bammer. that dealer scammed us ffs

Beat up (adj)
- state when you're not really high any more, but you can still tell that you were high. And you're real tired

E.g.: damn I've been smoking all day I'm so beat up

Beaver Enlightenment (n)
- mental state. when one momentarily stumbles into the next level of consciousness.

E.g.: that was deep. that was a beaver enlightenment

Bent (adj)
- to be blazed, high, or under the influence of whatever gets you bent.

E.g.: His weed got me bent.

Best (adj)
- as fucked up as you can get

Better (adj)
- when you're so fucked up, you think there's something better than best (which gets into the whole debate -- is best better than better? or is better better than best? try to keep track of that fucker when you're stoned)

Biftah (n)
- synonym for Cannabis, or cannabis cigarette.

Bignalls (n)
- People who want to smoke YOUR ganja for you.

E.g.: See that big head by the door. Beware of him, he's a bignall. He steals lighters too.

Bikkies (n)
- Biscuits with a special ingredient.

E.g.: where did you get these bikkies from? It's knocking me out. 

Bill-up (v)
 - To roll up a joint.

E.g.: how fast can you bill up?

Blim (n)
- Those depressingly small bits of black after a good bong session. Also the name giving to small bits of black in the bong mull.

E.g.: it’s time to wash off those blims. They make my bong look ugly

Blipped (v)
 - Stoned.

Blitzed (v)
 - To be really, really stoned.

Blockhead (n)
-          Someone dedicated to the holy block of resin.

E.g.: Yes! I'm a blockhead

Blotto (adj)
-          to be stoned you don't understand what’s going on.

E.g.: this loud got me so blotto

Blow-Back (v)
  - To exhale smoke into another's mouth. Also known as a 'shot gun'.

E.g.: I blew back into his mouth. That’s how we  fell in love

Blow it up (v)
 - smoke some pot

E.g.: if you’re not too busy, let’s blow it up!

Blue (n)
- too much smoke in an area or in your inhalation.

E.g.: it’s so blue in here 

Blunt (n)
- Hollowed out cigar filled with 1/8 of cannabis and sealed with honey.

Blunted (v)
 - To be intoxicated by the herb.

Bogart (v)
- Taking more hits than you should before passing the joint.

E.g.: Don't bogart that joint motherfucker                 

Bong (n)
-An object, that when used properly, goes gurgle, gurgle, gurgle.

E.g.: He can't roll so he bought a bong.

Bong Swat
 - A hit from the bong.

E.g.: That bong swat was crazy! you should try it.

Bong Terd
- That black shit that comes out of a  bong after a lot of use. Also known as blims

 - Water-pipe construction lol

- Keeper and filler of the bong

- Alternative term to bong...Billy , Billson , Willson , Chongo , Ong , Pipeocinnie

- very big bong preferably four footer.

- The ancient art of water-pipe construction

Bone riding
- Cruising in the car with some tunes and a spliff.

- as in stoned (if shake-shook, take-took, then bake-book) example. "I am really fucking book!"

Bottle job
- arsehole who wimps out on joint or blowback, etc

- To be heavily stoned.

-1) small amount of bud; 
2) packed bowl; 
3) the thing that's packed

- To have ingested enough cannabis to be unable to move your legs.

- When you are to stoned to remember what you were saying

- When you get burned by a pipe, specificaly a glass one.

- The act of purposefully burning someone with a glass pipe.

Brekky Bong 
- To smoke upon waking.

- Another name for your pot.

- Traditional American biscuit laced with cannabis.

Bruce Lee
- name for our bong (gets you chinese eyed)

Bubonic chronic
 - the stuff that makes you hack up a lung and makes your limbs go numb

bruced (bruce lee)
- stoned.

- when the weed's so sticky you have to cut it with scissors or a knife

- Cannabis or the part of the cannabis plant you smoke.

- weed stupid

Buddha High
- Cerebral high in which one talks about philosophy

- Marijuana etiquette.

-(verb) to buffalo a hit is to cough uncontrollably in the middle of a gargantuan hit
Buffalo Fart 
- The nasty-ass smoke that some rude-ass stoner left in the bong when he passed it to you.

Bullet [NZ]
- Foil.

Bum [US]
- The act of deliberately ruining, or attempting to ruin, one's trip, via intimidation, ridicule, etc.

Bung [US] 
- Bong.

Burn cruise 
- The action of riding/driving with no purpose but to get totally ripped and listen to music that fucks with your head in your stoned state of mind.

burn one 
- smoke a joint

Burnt Out 
- To become tired after smoking weed.

Bush Bud
- not as good as the other pot but is usually home grown.

- mild cannabis high.

Buzzed Off 
- Reaction to bad weed and/or bad trip, resulting in dislike/hostility towards weed and/or stoners.

Buzzed Out 
- Overindulgence to the point of sleep.


- Crystal Joint

- cone piece

- Can't Remember Shit!

- hmmmmmm (slang for the 'good-stuff')

- To be absolutely wasted

- rastafied stang for weed

- when someone lights the joint, or blunt and the cherry runs up one side o the el'

- Cannabis joint

- Heavily Stoned!

- Cannabis cigarette.

- same as a cop.

- A huge joint packed to the brim and generally the size of an average garden carrot.

Cash out
- when you’re one of the first to fall asleep right after a good time

- completely ash bowl (The bowl's cashed, dude.)

- really fucked up.

- Cannabis.

- Get 4 stoners in a car, roll up the windows, roll up a fattie, and collect some cheechin's. Fun to shine lasers through 'em, and hilarious to get out of the car quickly and try to see through the fog.

- when a bowl needn't be lit

the red, burning coals of a bowl, or tip of a J.

- mildly high.

Chief (v.)
- to smoke a bowl (Lets chief this up.)

- when over smoke'in takes place

Chinese eyed
- stoned(Also known as: Chinky-eyed= how your eyes look after smoking a fattie!!!)

choke on one
- to smoke a bowl.

- What you might get after hitting a bucket bong.

- the act of puffing

- Fucked up Cheech-style.

- an extremely large joint that makes it around a circle of five or more people at least three times.

 - A stingy dealer.

Choof [AU]
- Cannabis.

- The best weed money can buy.

- A person who partakes in the pot smoking ritual everyday.

- chronic.

Ciga reefer
- joint rolled with tobacco rolling machine

City Clag Blues
 - When your mouth feels like the inside of a Clag glue bottle after smoking.

- Rolling up all the car windows and smoking till you can't see.

- to be pleasntly stoned

Cocktail [US]
- A joint roach placed on the end of a cigarette.

- phat fucking joint

Commercial [US]
- Buds that come in a brick.

Cone [AU]
- A metal cone with a hole in the center used in pipes, usually made of aluminium or brass.

Cone [CA]
- A conical shaped joint which is tapered by rolling with two or more papers glued on an angle.

Cone piece
- bowel

- the sweet green meat (pot)

Cop [US]
- To aquire some marijuana.

- The driest a mouth can get after smoking cannabis.

- being stoned and laughing until it hurts your stomach, also referred to as the "Ten Minute Abs".

 - To be very inspired by consumption of marijuana.

'- A nice, warm and comfortable high

-A thin piece of cardboard, usually a matchbook cover, rolled into a cylindrical shape. This accommodates a joint that has become too small to smoke by hand.

- A hallucinogenic bud if smoked in large quantities.

Crystal Bud [US] 
- A bud of marijuana with tiny crystals usually of higher quality.

Did you enjoy this list? Which words are you adding to your Weedtionary today? 

Check out next post: "Stoner's Lifestyle: 20 rules of thumb." by the Canna Priest


  1. This is really beautiful learnt a lot of new words��������


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