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The Stoner Lifestyle 101

The 'layman's' definition of cannabis users is someone who is always high, hungry, unorganized, who's always trying to remember stuff and I'll be right to say, there are potheads who fit into this category, but the reality is that there is great number of pot enthusiasts, 'Stoners' who have actual work habits, dreams, ambitions and a life that they're living. Like everyone of us in this house.

Now, to avoid the all these baseless ideas about us on the streets, we first need to know some more positive aspects that weed brings to the life of stoners. 

1. We tend to think a lot: Cannabis is proven to amplify thought processes and increase the amount of information that neurons share among each other. This means we reason more than average non-stoner—even if they spent the exact same amount pondering on a specific idea, the stoner’s mind is far more active.

This doesn't mean all your high thoughts will be pure gold, but definitely you'll imagine some doper concepts when you're cannabis high.

2. We love to question authority: Yes, as human beings we try to be skeptical about things but lol, stoners tend to take this to a whole new level.

Especially nowadays with the mighty power of the internet, we have access to more concealed information, which we can't just shenk. We can't just believe or accept everything. Infact, I suggest that it is our sacred duty as stoners to search out the truth, which was practically impossible before the creation of internet, but now that some of the communication mediums are completely open and uncensored, we have a real opportunity to make a difference.

I’m not saying that you should become an anti-government conspiracy super freak, or pull a Naira Marley stunt, but we can just take everything that reaches your mind with a grain of salt, because the truth is out there.

3.We have less prejudice: We should talk about this. We can all testify that being around fellow stoners is more chill and less aggressive than being with non-stoners.

Cannabis helps individuals to have deep inspiring conversations, that often lead to improving the character and viewpoints of the individual in question. I mean just look at this house.

Because of this, the vast majority of stoners tend to have a much more liberal view on things and are far less constricted about religion, nationality, race and other attributes that seemingly separate us cos the weed makes us look beyond all this barriers.

4. Lastly, We tend to be more creative: THC is proven to have an amazing effect on changing the way your mind works, because it speeds up the neurons (at least the speed they exchange information among themselves), and at the same time causes the release of joyous dopamine which makes us feel blissful and ecstatic.

So for people who are naturally creative,  marijuana can be an excellent addition to an already existing talent, and for those who aren’t as lucky it can become a kick-start tool for new creative horizons.

Lastly, make sure you are getting high with a little help from your friends. Don’t waste your high on random folks trying to bring you down; try to get lifted with people you love and care about, or at least people who are on a posi-vibe tip. Work it out with laughter.

Please, don't just read. Also drop your comments and opinions. Thanks


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