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Safety Tips for Cannabis users

Marijuana has a reputation for being a harmless drug, but this is inaccurate.

Many problems can occur as a result of this drug, including,

1. legal problems

2. accidents happening while under the influence of marijuana,

3. problems with mental functioning, and

4. physical health problems.

Following these harm reduction tips for MJ users will help to reduce the potential harm of your marijuana use, but it will not necessarily prevent problems from occurring if you choose to partake in this or any type of drug use.

1. Don’t Take Risks With the Law! 

Cannot be overemphasized. 

Legal problems are often a negative consequence of marijuana use, and it really isn’t worth the risk.

If you are using marijuana for recreational purpose, purchase it in small quantities and keep it for your own personal use. If you buy in larger amounts to save money, and particularly if you are passing it on to others, you could be breaking the more serious trafficking drug laws rather than simply possessing it for personal use. And be discreet about marijuana use whether or not you think everyone is doing it and no one cares. Flaunting your marijuana use in public is annoying to others and is asking for legal trouble.

Never ever argue with law enforcement officials. There are many ways to the market. Let them search you. It is their job. Be calm through it all.

Most importantly, avoid getting caught.

2. Keep a Check on Your Mental Functioning.

Marijuana can have detrimental effects on your mental functioning. 

It can affect learning, memory, and performance. There is no point in lying to yourself—keep a check on your mental functioning, and if you think it is slipping, ease off the marijuana for a while. You will be surprised how mentally alert you can feel after a few weeks of abstinence.

Another thing, paranoia is a side effect of overuse. Know your limits. Dem no dey give award. Don't smoke weed for clout.

3. Take Care of Your Lungs!

I mean.

Much of the focus in preventing lung cancer has been on cigarette smoking, but inhaling any type of smoke, including marijuana, can increase the risk of this painful and deadly disease. 

Marijuana can be taken orally, for example, by being cooked into brownies and cookies, and this might be a better option than inhaling smoke. 

Take care that any sweet treats containing marijuana are not within reach of children or anyone else who might eat them by mistake; be aware that marijuana effects are often stronger and longer lasting when it is eaten than when it is smoked.

4. Avoid Aluminium Grinders! 

You're wondering why. 

Using an aluminum grinder to crush up your weed can be seriously detrimental to your health. Aluminum is a soft metal, meaning the grinders chip easily with regular use, and shards can end up in your kush with no real way of knowing they're there. If the shards are in a consistently hot place (such as a cherried bowl), they can release toxic fumes and carcinogens known to cause cancer. Also worth noting is that in consistently-hot environments, aluminum can bind to chemicals in your herb to form other compounds, some of which can and will be toxic. Using an aluminum grinder once or twice won't kill you, but if you want a staple in your stash, spend the extra money and opt for a steel grinder instead.

5. Know Your Rolling Papers! 

Did you know that there's a market for fake rolling papers? Just like iPhones, mass producers have gotten wind of a desire for trendy papers, such as ones that are colored or flavored. Hell, there's even an underground market for rare blunt wrap flavors, so it should come as no surprise that there are bootleg manufacturers flooding the market with suspicious stock. Often, these producers use chemicals to make your joint taste or look more appealing, but what are those chemicals doing to your innards? Nobody knows exactly what's in them, but presumably it's not good.

However, even if you're using legit rolling papers, it's best to do your research. Every smoker has an opinion as to which kind of paper is best and why, but again, science suggests it's safest to avoid rolling papers that have been bleached and/or contain flavor. Pure hemp brands like RAW are a safe bet, as they don't contain any toxic additives. There are plenty of other brands out there that won't harsh your health, too. Just make sure to get the real thing; it's pretty easy to tell apart a pack of RAW papers from a pack of RA WRs.

Additionally, for the culture... 

If you must smoke,

* Go on tolerance breaks. They give your body system time to recuperate.

* Eat healthy. Consistent junk is a no no.

* Fluids! Take lots of them.

* Get creative with your fluids. Add fresh lemon juice to your water if you actually hate the taste of it.

* Find recipes of smoothies you like and make them or buy them.


  1. Maybe you could list other rolling papers.

    1. Haze and Sinners are recommended rolling papers

  2. Just catching up with the lessons here and its been really amazing. Thumbs up ziggy👍


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