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DETOX Pt 1 - Introduction

Many a times stoners ask me how they can detoxify, get rid of cannabis substances from their body system, especially when they have to take a drug test. First thing I tell them is that, there are no medical treatments or drugs that are 100percent dependable for detox but there are many detox programs and routines that can be undergone to cleanse your body of toxic substances. This is why I am writing this piece, to educate us on what, why and how of detoxification.

First of all, detoxification is "a process or period of time in which one abstains from or rids the body of toxic or unhealthy substances." This is basically cleansing your body system from toxins that can lead to health problems now or in the future.


There are various reasons why people embark on the detox journey, mostly personal but for the sake of this piece, I will state just 3 reasons why every stoner must inculcate the habit of detoxifying every now and then.

1. The best way to reset your life is with a detox. It is healthy that as a regular smoker, you reboot your body system from time to time and get rid of substances that can pose as a threat.
2. It helps you be in control of your smoking habits and prevents marijuana dependence or worse, addiction
3. And well, maybe you have a drug test soon. 


Marijuana contains at least 104 different cannabinoids, but THC is the one responsible for producing the high effect that recreational marijuana users experience.

When we consume marijuana, cannabinoids enter the bloodstream and even after the high wears off, the cannabinoids ingested will remain in a person's body for sometime. Though THC remains in the blood for only a short period, it is fat-soluble, which means the body absorbs it through fatty tissue, and as a result of this, small deposits of THC can remain in the body's fat deposits for several weeks.

According to American Addiction Centers, a person can expect marijuana to remain in their body for the following times:

* Hair: 90 days
* Urine: 3 days to a month or more, depending on usage
* Saliva: 48 hours
* Blood: 36 hours
* Sweat: 7–14 days.

Two major factors that determine how long these compounds stay in a person's system are

1. Usage : How often marijuana is consumed will determine how long it will stay in the body. For heavy users, traces of cannabinoids will remain in their body for a longer time. It means, they may still test positive for marijuana many months after stopping. In some instances, people have tested positive for THC 3 months after discontinuing use.

2. Strain of marijuana : Different strains of marijuana contain varying amounts of cannabinoids, which can affect how long they remain in a person’s body.

Some other factors are:
1. how often they exercise
2. their eating habits
3. their metabolism
4. the percentage of their body fat
5. their body type
6. quantity and potency of marijuana ingested
7. frequency of consumption
8. hydration level and so on

These varying factors make it more difficult to say precisely how long marijuana, or more specifically THC will remain in a person's system after use.


1.  Tolerance break. This is simply taking a break from consuming marijuana for a period of time. This is perhaps the most effective way to entirely detox your system from THC but also, it is most likely the hardest thing to do for any stoner because the urge to smoke will always be there but determination will help you through.

2. Drink lots of water and clear fluids frequently to flush out the body because THC is released from the body through urine and sweat.
- Cranberry juice is highly recommended and effective in cleansing the body.
- Mix lemon and cinnamon into hot water
- Steep cucumber and ginger into your water that you carry around throughout the day

3. Eat healthy and balanced diet. Ditch the alcohol and sugar for a diet of low protein, whole grains and high fiber content foods such as brown rice and brown bread.

4. Exercise regularly. When you exercise, you excrete sweat and excessive sweating removes toxin from the body. Exercise also helps to lift your spirit.

5. Take a hot soaking bath.

6.  Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. High-water content fruits like cucumber and water melon will help in flushing toxins quickly out of your body

7. Pee a lot.

8. Take supplements. "Niacin" commonly known as Vitamin B3 is highly recommended because it allows toxins to be eliminated more quickly by causing blood capillaries to dilate and triggering the production of histamines. Just one tablet a day will go a long way.

9. Detox teas/drinks.


Marijuana can be easily depended on for people who use it heavily for long periods and when a person's system becomes used to the compounds it produces, stopping using it may lead to a period of uncomfortable marijuana withdrawal symptoms as the body readjusts.  Some of these symptoms are:
1. depression
2. anger or irritability
3. emotional instability ranging from anger to euphoria
4. loss of appetite
5. insomnia
6. loss of concentration
7. tremors or shaky hands


Contrary to popular belief, Marijuana is an addictive drug that produces different kinds of substances in the body that can be toxic after a long constant use. To stay healthy and fit, it is very advisable to detox your system so that you can be able to continue smoking for a long time and not experience any health issues.

Next post will be a continuation on HOW TO PASS A DRUG TEST.


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