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It’s not every day that you see articles pertaining to this and I think that this is a fairly important thing, at least to me and that’s why I have taken my time to read up and write up about how you can be fit and smoke weed and have fun as well. I’m pretty ripped myself and I smoke weed regularly so I basically just compiled tips from my and others personal experiences. I hope you’ll learn one or two.

First, I strongly believe one can be healthy and fit and be a stoner (legit cannabis user) at the same time. I'll use the word 'legit' because not everyone who smokes weed is self convinced. Some do it because of peer pressure, some because they want people to think they're cool, some are not proud and still feel embarrassed about the idea that they smoke weed and some are just…just confused.
So, if you're a 'legit' stoner, you know what you're doing, you accept it as a lifestyle and would love to learn more on how to improve that lifestyle, this article is for you. If you're a 'legit' stoner, it's high time to know the DOs and DON'Ts, the daily routines and healthy measures to take to keep fit and healthy while you're still smoking that good weed.

Number one is always stay hydrated. Always drink water when you smoke. Of course, drinking enough water is important for your overall health, whether you're smoking weed or not. But you definitely don't want to make the mistake of getting high and failing to stay properly hydrated. If you're smoking at home, just remember to chug a glass or two before, during, and after your high. If you're going to smoke at a friends' place or a concert, bring a water bottle.

I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that the "cotton mouth" struggle is real. When you get high, the receptors on the floor of your mouth temporarily stop producing saliva. So it's extra important to chug water if you don't want your whole mouth to dry up and stay dried up the day after you smoke.
Coconut water is another great choice because it has electrolytes and nutrients.

Number two will be stop inhaling too deeply. It’s not news that we all want to get high, that’s why we smoke but evidently, 95 percent of the THC in cannabis smoke is absorbed within the first few seconds after you take a puff, so taking and holding in super deep breaths of weed smoke is pointless and unhealthy. It can hurt your lungs and make you feel short of breath, so just don't do it. In fact, you might want to consider a vape and mostly avoid this issue altogether.

Number three, eat healthy. This should be number two because it is really important. As a stoner, you should eat ‘balanced’ meals at appropriate time. We all know the concept of balanced diet so I won’t dig deep into that. Just make sure you’re eating the right proportion of all the necessary classes of food and at the appropriate time. We know how the weed always strengthens your eating abilities when you’re high so it is necessary to always have preparations for food while you’re hitting the jay. My advice would even be that, if there’s no chow or plans for chow at the moment, keep your weed.

Still on the matter of eating, fruits and munchies are also as important and must be observed healthily too considering the fact that your body craves sugar and fats when your blazedWhile anything goes when you're stoned and snacking, some research says certain foods can actually help to enhance the impact of cannabis because "cannabis is lipophilic, which means it loves fat. If you eat foods that contain fat, your body will absorb the cannabis better.”

Here is a list of munchies that I researched and found healthy and advisable:
  • ·         Fruits (Avocados, Bananas, Apples, Mangoes, Oranges, Grapes)
  • ·         Sandwiches
  • ·         Popcorn
  • ·         Smoothies
  • ·         Milk & Yogurt (especially from Coconut)
  • ·         Cereals
  • ·         Fries and chips
  • ·         Dark Chocolate
  • ·         Nuts (especially Cashew)
  • ·         Meat

Number four, do some exercises. I know you’re probably wondering what exercises have got to do with smoking your weed. I’ll tell you. When we consume THC (which is the substance released when you smoke cannabis), our body stores it in our fat cells. During exercise we burn those cells, and the THC is released back into our system, getting us high all over again. 

Also, cannabis can disrupt your natural heart rate, mess with physical coordination, and slow down your nervous system—so keep your exercises simple. Focus on walking, using a treadmill or stationary bike, and plyometrics like lunges, skipping, and squat jumps.

If you’re still having a hard time motivating yourself, use getting high as the “carrot” to get yourself up and out. Roll a joint, pick a rad location, walk to it, and then get high as a reward.

Number five, moderation is key. As an individual, I like to keep everything I do moderate and not overdo anything. Same goes for our smoking habits, don’t smoke too much. Yes, you should smoke every day, but make sure you’re smoking the good stuff, not some dust that you have to roll five joints in the morning to feel high. That’s shitty and unhealthy. If you’re going to be a legit stoner, spend money on good weed. Studies have shown that doing just that will allow you to enjoy the herb whilst having no signs of lung damage even after 20 years of constant use.

Some more healthy tips:
  • ·         Always remove seeds and sticks before rolling your joint. Seeds cause migraine (an acute kind of headache) and sticks, well sticks will mess up your rolling paper.
  • ·         Read a book while stoned, it opens up pockets of intellectual growth.
  • ·         Eat healthy like green veggies, milk products, eggs, boiled chicken breast and run at least for 15mins everyday.
  • ·         Drink orange juice for Vitamin C. This will keep you healthy inside. Eat dry fruits as much as you can in morning.
  • ·         Don’t be too relaxed. Get off your butt and take a walk.
  • ·         Take your bath regularly, twice as much as a non-stoner. And pay a lot of attention to your hair and breath.
  • ·         Always dress, smell and look nice. That’s how legit stoners do.
  • ·         Prepare for the red eyes.
  • ·         Lastly, share the joint with all the nice people.

If you’ve learnt one thing or would like to add more tips, the comment box is down there.



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