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A Poem & Short Story Collection by CannaVille: "...and slowly, I watched it fade away"

It's no news that Cannaville is blessed with all kinds of intellectuals, creatives, writers and even poets and here is a collection of poems written by amazing and talented members of Cannaville with the prompt: "...and slowly I watched it fade away" 

Enjoy! Read, review and rate.

By Y1nka

These days I question my enjoyment of the spliff
falling off a cliff cos of something I thought uplifts
But a day without rolling up still feels amiss
Like removing a hand from a clock, not allowing me to tick
More focused than ever to get my dreams to click
An internal mentality shift did the trick
Now I shoot with confidence when I flick my wrist
Or when I use leg wire ball like say I wan break keeper wrist
But now I struggle with my excessive cravings for lust
Wanting two women with wide hips to give me consent to thrust
To burst and handle backsides aggressively
To have my head squeezed by thighs like I’m an enemy
But it doesn’t remove the pain of losses of yester year
Or having my ear listening to voices of fear
But I dealt with my worrys when I kneel down and pray
and slowly… I felt & watched it fade away

By Seabiscuit 
It wasn't meant to be
Because we re not meant to see
But wen I saw you
I fell cause everything about u was subtle
 Even tho it felt like deja Vu
I had hope it'll be better than days that flew
From time to time
You made me feel sublime
I panicked coz it was so unreal
But like I said hope made me stubborn for real
I tried to be all you needed me to be
Even when I knew I wasn't becoming the man i needed to be
So I had to put myself and feelings away
And slowly, I watched it fade away

By Abdulrazaq
Lost in love
Love or lust, which is it?
The feeling of your skin brushed on mine
The cuddling of the butterflies in my belly
Emotions I can't evade
An invasion of the life i once had
A new life i now have,
One filled with your warmth
But too soon, I felt these things
The love I felt for you 
For me you felt lust
Leaving me lost, in a nightmare I made
A new life I thought was ours, equally 
But now the haze is lifted from my eyes
We built a life, or so I thought 
And slowly I watched it fade away

By Paige 
Been through the fire, just at 24;
I think I put the time in, just want to satisfy you.
I’m more than unusual, quiet in nature;
My character is better served, when I walk alone.
Did I tell you who I am, young black man; reaching for the sky
They say I’ll never make it, but still I try.
Sometimes the struggles seem more than I can bear;
Who knew it would be so easy, to feel like I can’t survive.
Heart gets heavy; can’t seem to cherish the day;
But then a voice comes to me, It’s the spirit of destiny inside.
It’s a long road ahead; many things to achieve;
But when I think how far I’ve come, I still have a dream.
Success is in my future, I’m gonna live and not die;
In the end I will win; because Still I try to keep pushing but just like every puff, slowly I watch it fadeaway...

By Lehyi
That night,I stood by the phone.
I called you and you didn't answer.
I waited,but the phone didn't ring.
I craved to tell you how I felt,what you meant to me.
That I was sorry I had not absorbed all ur love while I still could.
Just a night call and everything will be over
My fear,my despair, my grief.
They would forever vanish with the sound of ur voice.
Telling me you would be back for the rest of our lives.
But you never answered and you never called.
And slowly,I watched all fade away

By Ahdeysewa
Chats were getting shorter 
Distance was getting greater
Priorities were changing
True love never wanes unless it’s was a lie.
It’s hard to forget someone who gave u so much to remember,
You can’t choose what stays and what goes anyways,
Time heals all they said,
It’s sad how I watched u burn out from my memories.
The flame of love is now just a cold loneliness,”and slowly…..I watched it fade away.

By Ray
How do I explain this feeling?
How can I possibly express this void?
Who would believe that the days we dreamt about will never see the shores of our reality? 
How can I be hopeful when the light at the end of my tunnel has been snatched by the cold hands of greed and unreasonable nepotism. 
When the labors of my heroes past have been dragged through the mud by actions of defiant successors.
How do I make you see that the inactions of the righteous is a strong aid to plot of the wicked?
Maybe if I picked a pen I’d draw your attention to the ruins you caused as you strangled my pride slowly, and I watched it fade away

By Pepperspray
Let me tell you a tale about my little cherry
One dose of you, and I feel at peace moving though the waves, like a ferry.
You've made appreciate gratitude, counting my blessings how many?.
I taste you on my lips, and on my tongue, you taste like berry.
I'm sunflowers. I'm happiness I'm sunshine.
I hear these colours speaking to me all the time.
I reminisce, see me gigging and happy like I'm nine.
Ever since then I've been yours, and you definitely mine.
My depression cherry, can I tell tell world about you if I may?.
You keep me from tears and keep my sorrows at bay.
With you I'm sunflowers I'm happiness and I'm sunshine, this I can say.
One dose of you got me feeling like a butterfly. Staring at my fears as slowly I watch it fade away.

By Funto
The calming clouds creep in unknowingly
I would have love to taste that 
But I couldn't bring my head down
I watch on
The right hand was occupied with my phone
My left fingers searching slowly for what I believe to be light
I frown unconsciously I was getting furious
I looked down and found my lighter between my legs smirking at me
I smiled back and call myself stupid 
I gave it a breath a light it poof 
I look back up to continue enjoying the beautiful view
And slowly, I watched it fade away

By Ola
I always thought it was here to stay
I always felt nothing could ever push it away
The oceans tried, mountains moved
I saw men running, all trying to, it wasn't funny.
and in that moment when I saw hope slipping away,
There it was. The moment of clarity I needed
I heard it speak, I heard it say "I've been here all along". "Inhale, exhale".
Then it dawned on me, like the ticking of clocks
Have you communed with the highest?
Have you gone to the realm of gods?
Lightened your way on to the brightest?
Oh yeah, lighten up, I did
I took the torch, lighten darkness the f**k
No more sorrows, green revealed
What Problems? And slowly, I watched it fade away...

By D'Weirdo 
I'm not going to be doing the whole end word game with YOU
Apparently I wasn't stupid after all, YOU was
The only time you had a good face expression was when your genital was coming close to manifestation
You was my nightmare in a broad light
I was going to endure and be submissive ( Stupid of me)
But then You were another form of migraine
The drugs I took didn't stop it from coming everyday
So I walked away 
And slowly I watched it fade away

By Esiri Erebor 

They say your life flashes at the point of your death
They said we are just dust that would return to earth
Death comes unexpected we can't choose a date
So why live a life full of hate
Drop all those negative traits
And fix your mind to the right state
Cos when death comes Knocking
Make sure that the flashes are stunning.

I just want to live, laugh, love and learn
Cos when death comes looking stern
I need those beautiful flashes to drive it all away
So I light up my blunt and slowly, I watched it fade away.

By Jiya 
I grew up watching the hopeful and romantic stories of the 90s and 2000s. You know, the ones where the prince save the princesses and find true love after their first kiss. The ones where you get to live your dream life if you follow the rules and work hard. Fast forward to present day, the love and the life I've been raised for all my life seems to no longer exist. Maybe it never ready did. The structures that held together that "reality" now shown to be the ever decaying construct of man. Surrounded by highly motivated and morally bankrupt people in a corrupt system, just trying to survive. It's all about the money now. What is love even? Do you have the funds? Emotions are now just tools. Once sacred things like tears, passion, desire are all neatly packaged. Monitised and available, if you can afford it. I came back to this world with so much hope and so many dreams, but like the blunt I held five minutes ago, slowly, I've watched it fade away.

Thanks for reading. Share your thoughts in the comments section. 


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