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Showing posts from September, 2019

An Article by Ziggy: Yes, You Can Be High, Active and Productive (Pt 2)

Last week I started writing on this subject, trying my best to prove that it is possible for you to be high, active and productive at the same time which is quite contrary to the general perception of the society. If you ask around, people will tell you that it is impossible, that anyone who smokes weed is unproductive, lazy and nonchalant about his work. It’s actually true, can’t deny that but the people who fall into this category are not legit stoners and I think they need to read that post…and this too . Here’s a continuation to the last post as promised and I’ll try harder to prove this point in question and as shortly as I can too. The last thing I want for my readers is a long boring text lol. First, we all know that the mind is the human control room and it is from there that everything a man does or can do start from. If in your mind, you can climb the highest mountain, trust me if you try, you will and if in your mind, you can never crawl, you will never crawl. Simp

An Article by Ziggy: Yes, You Can Be High, Active and Productive (Pt 1)

Yesterday after work, I went to a waterside to smoke, my favorite spot since I got to this town some weeks ago and every time I go there, I always meet fantastic humans and yesterday was one of it. The rain started falling so I moved under a shed with some Yoruba men, three of them. They were smoking  igbo  too, big ass jumbo rolled with white papers. At first I was listening to music and not paying them attention but at some point I started listening to them. To my surprise, they were talking about the general idea of marijuana, how it started, how “touts and  agberos ” were the ones who bastardized the real image of marijuana, how philosophers, lawyers and professors like Fela Kuti and Wole Soyinka smoked weed and became successful people in the history of our country, they talked about the advantages and disadantages, if marijuana really ran people mad as people say and a lot more. We talked in turns and I can actually say that was the most interesting smoking session I’v


It’s not every day that you see articles pertaining to this and I think that this is a fairly important thing, at least to me and that’s why I have taken my time to read up and write up about how you can be fit and smoke weed and have fun as well. I’m pretty ripped myself and I smoke weed regularly so I basically just compiled tips from my and others personal experiences. I hope you’ll learn one or two. First, I strongly believe one can be healthy and fit and be a stoner (legit cannabis user) at the same time. I'll use the word 'legit' because not everyone who smokes weed is self convinced. Some do it because of peer pressure, some because they want people to think they're cool, some are not proud and still feel embarrassed about the idea that they smoke weed and some are just…just confused. So, if you're a 'legit' stoner, you know what you're doing, you accept it as a lifestyle and would love to learn more on how to improve that lifestyle, this