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A compilation by Ziggy: "Stoner, Why Do You Smoke Weed?"

When I asked on Twitter "STONER, WHY DO YOU SMOKE WEED?", these are few of the amazing responses that I got from and I just had to compile them and post. 

Isn't weed just awesome?????
  •          At first, it was to escape reality, it ruined me. When I returned, it became my calm, makes me sit and actually think. You know how you go to the beach to relax, reflect &enjoy the gift of life/time? Now it’s like carrying a beach in my purse. - @onitangerine
    ·         Weed puts me in a peaceful state, ease my stress, and mind my business. And my sleep in on another level. -@fakolujoAR
    ·         Puts me in a calm state... I visualize everything around me much deeper... the only thing that calms and touches my innermost contents of my desire than any woman or individual will. I see everything in my minds eyes in all shades. - @jzimako
    ·         It clears my head and doesn't make me do things in haste, makes me realize i am where i'm supposed to be, i always have a rethink whenever I inhale @EbukaEscobar
    ·         It's the missing piece that I've been searching for my whole life and since I found it or it found me, I feel invisible and being a shy person I guess you know how it works from here. -@TheDaVinchi
    ·         Weed especially Sativa strains help me with higher thought processing. For example, if I'm not getting a marketing strategy right, I smoke some good shit and put my focus on it and I get it right. Also for fun to cool down when I'm stressed ASF or when the bae is nagging. – @FlexCaribbean
    ·         I smoke weed because I love it and it helps me sleep better.- @Oke_Shuku
    ·         To get a different View of everything that I come across...High processing capability, heightened senses, ability to make rational and logical decisions faster than normal, Mind my business when I need to, talk when needed, laugh when it feels necessary. Not to talk of Music.­- @Kolaxxs1
    §  If life was a 'Canon EOS 5D Mark IV dslr camera’, then cannabis would be the 'Canon EF 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6L IS USM' all-in-one zoom lens. Or for more pop culture references, if life was "pretty little fears", then cannabis would be J. Cole's verse. - @Oluwafemiarteta
    §   Puts me in a peaceful head and mind space...calms my anxiety…increases my brain activity
    plenty more. - @IfedolapoJade
    §  I smoke weed to feel good, ease boredom, relieve tension or frustration, seek deeper insights, escape problems. - @_eddiejango
    §  Mainly cause I’m an introvert in person, alot of times I prefer my space and my zone. I’m a deep thinker too, maybe even think a bit too much sometimes but all these and a few more, are the reasons you’ll almost always find me with a blunt - @QuietPapers
    §  Weed opens a different perspective to problem solving and helps me get in touch with emotions. - @SparkPlug_
    §  To take a back seat and have a good look at situations. Recently weed has helped me stay away from alcohol too. - @Ibraheematriple
    §  Part time to fight anxiety for weekdays, second part to chill, to think differently. It brings me another point of view and help me get through decisions without any emotional strings. - @Wal82847380
    §  Due to ADD & Social Anxiety I'm very restless in the head. I've also developed insomnia because of the two from a young age. Weed is the only way for me to not be inside my own head so much, chill, sleep better, and feel more uplifted. - @astroalyco
    §  It's just my lifestyle.- @Qwin_belle
    §  To amplify my talent.- @Elisha_O
    §  Everything is not exactly the way it is; weed helps me see through the illusion. -@weednation9ja
    §  It gives me a different state of mind,calms down my nerves and most important to help in meditation. - @MAkauMutua12 




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