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420 Simplified!

Every cultured stoner knows that 4:20 is that time of the day (am/pm) to light a joint. Likewise, we know April 20 (or 4/20) is World Weed Day, a holiday celebrating cannabis, marijuana, weed, pot, kush, whatever you like to call it. A  day cherished by cannabis  enthusiasts  around the world as a reason to toke up with friends and buddies. But, only few know why and how the number became linked to smoking cannabis. ORIGIN OF 420 There are many speculations to how the term “420” came to be and be as widely accepted. Some say that 420 was the California police or penal code for marijuana, but well, there’s no evidence to support those claims. Some also say 4/20 is Adolf Hitler’s birthday. Another theory is that there are 420 active chemicals in marijuana, hence an obvious connection between the drug and the number. But that’s not quite true either, with nearly 500 such components in marijuana. The earliest written link between marijuana and 420 can be traced to the 1939 short story  “In