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Showing posts from June, 2019

A write-up by Zaddy Dee: A Year From Now

A year from now you're going to become a legend and you wouldn't even recognise the the little boy or girl you once were as you become everything you were born to be. I know right now, you just can't quite see how things are going to work out or fall into place and the truth is maybe they won't go your way because what you're going through now is preparing you for something far greater than your current worries, wishes and circumstance. In a year from now, you would have grown and developed real strength and wisdom and a greater understanding of yourself and the universe around you. In a year from now, you would have raised your conscious level and be communicating and connecting with your soul and higher self in the most empowering of ways as you start to become a force of nature. In a year from now, you would walk on this planet with absolute certainty and faith in yourself and your ability and you would have the power to create and manifest all that you d